Dalam banyak-banyak episod, episod inilah yang paling hebat dalam cerita dongeng dari White House, Amerika Syarikat. Trajis ada, lucu pun ada. Yang paling lucu ialah betapa gelabahnya Obama dan staf pentadbirannya mengeluarkan cerita yang berbelit-belit sampai terbelit diri sendiri.
Berbagai pihak menggelengkan kepala terhadap apa yang disebut sebagai "kehebatan" USA menghapuskan pemimpin pengganas yang paling dikehendaki dan semakin ramai pula menjuih bibir terhadap pendustaan terbaru OBAMA. Kali ini pembohongannya secara tergesa-gesa itu memakan dirinya sendiri.
Akibat terdesak maka terpaksalah skrip diolah semula dengan pelbagai cerita dongeng yang melucukan. Perjalan cerita terpaksa dirombak walaupun mengundang aib. Itulah Amerika yang amat disegani (takut?) oleh masyarakat dunia. Adakah munasabah Osama dikatakan tidak bersenjata? Mulanya ditembak di mata, kemudian di dada dan terbaru di kaki pula. Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi? Semua boleh teka, bahawa sebenarnya itu semua cerita bohong.
Terbaru, 3 senator Repulican menarik balik kenyataan mereka sebelum ini pernah membuat sidang akhbar menyatakan "pernah menyaksikan gambar mayat Osama yang mengerikan". Hmm apa sudah jadi? Kenapa sebelum ini beria ia benar mengesahkannya? Bila ditanya berbagai soalan yang penuh kontraversi, maka hilanglah punca akal mereka macamana nak jawab. Mabuk akibat bohong yang bertali arus, sejak zaman berzaman. Apa pula kata ahli Democrat selepas ini? Mesti menarik dan melucukan.
Special Report: Osama bin Laden Killed in U.S. Operation
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama has decided not to release photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse.
Carney said releasing the photos would bring about a national security risk by feeding resentment in the Arab world.
"It is very important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of someone shot in the head are not floating around ... as a propaganda tool," he said.
"USA tidak boleh dipercayai lagi", kata sebahagian besar bloger di internet. Kesian USA yang telah dikorbankan dan menjadi mangsa puak-puak penyembah syaitan - Illuminati.
Kita akan terus menanti kenyataan seterusnya dari Obama Penipu yang semakin tertekan ini. Orang tenggelam punca sentiasa mendedahkan dirinya kepada kesilapan pencaturan.
Tak kisahlah semua itu. yang menjadi persoalan baru ialah sebab apa cerita ini direka? Kenapa Osama ditemui di Pakistan bukan Afghanistan? Bodoh sangatkah perisik Pakistan, tidak pandai menyiasat dan gagal mencari lokasi Obama dalam negara sendiri?
Dusta 911 dulu kerana nak menawan Afghanistan. Pembunuhan Osama pula untuk apa? Tawan Pakistan? Sebab Pakistan adalah satu-satunya negara Islam yang mempunyai senjata nukeliar. Ada logiknya. Atau nak kaitkan keganasan demonstrasi di Bahrain, Saudi, Jordan dan negara-negara Arab yang dinaunginya dengan alQaeda? Jelasnya ia juga akan menjulang repotasi Obama sebagai calon Presiden untuk penggal kedua.
The latest New York Times/CBS News poll showed on Wednesday that U.S. President Barack Obama's overall approval rating went up following the killing of terror mastermind Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan.Amerika menggunakan senjata terhebat alaf ini iaitu "DUSTA" yang mempunyai kelebihan umpama "Serampang Banyak Mata". Akan tetapi takdirnya telah tersilap congak.
Kesilapan skrip ini, mungkin akan merencatkan rencana mereka untuk menguasai sepenuhnya negara-negara Islam dalam masa singkat.
Ini antara dongengan lucu ciptaan USA. Situasi yang bakal menambah kebingungan Obama.
Changing Stories: Bin Laden Unarmed
The fog of war gets thicker as the days go by. The Obama administration has changed its storyline regarding Osama bin Laden's “participation” during the deadly raid late Sunday evening in Abbotabad, Pakistan.
Over the course of the last three days, the original story of bin Laden engaged in resistance has now developed into something completely different. The original information provided had bin Laden participating in a firefight. Reports were that he was reaching for a weapon. In addition, the early reports said that bid Laden's wife had been used as a human shield and died during the raid appear untrue. The administration fervently says that bid Laden did resist and a capture was not an option during the firefight.
On Wednesday, Pakistani security sources offered alternative details from the raid resulting in bin Laden's death, potentially clouding part of the White House version. Citing senior Pakistani security officials, news agency Al Arabiya that bin Laden's 12-year-old daughter said the U.S. special forces team first captured, then shot her father dead in front of relatives during the first moments of the raid on his compound.
CIA Director Leon Panetta told "PBS NewsHour" that bin Laden "made some threatening moves" that "represented a clear threat to our guys" but Panetta was not more specific about what the unarmed terrorist did as the commandos engaged others at the compound in a firefight and swarmed the compound.
"I don't think he had a lot of time to say anything," Panetta said. "It was a firefight going up that compound. ... This was all split-second action on the part of the SEALs."
Currently, the administration is wrestling with the decision to publish photographs of bin Laden. Reports indicate that he was shot twice in the chest and once above the left eye. A late report by the Washington Post, the New York Times and MSNBC says that the White House will not release any death photos of the former leader of Al Qaeda.
Disini ada satu artikel (dalam BI - malas nak translate) mengenai kemarahan seorang bloger terhadap Obama. Marah dan malu terhadap perbuatan Obama ini.
By Jason James
Pieczenik wasn’t the only person to bring the truth about bin Laden to light. There is a long list of government officials across the world who confirmed in 2002 that he was dead. In 2003 Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State under President Clinton, is on record as saying, “the Bush administration may already have captured Osama bin Laden and will release the news just before next year's presidential election”. Then in 2009 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said, “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years… I don’t think he’s alive”. As for the many photos and videos of bin Laden, many that were aired on television were either dated pre-2001 andheavily edited or proven to be fakes.
So with all of the evidence suggesting that Osama bin Laden died shortly after 9/11, the question still remains, why report his death now?
The only probable answer to this question has to do with the upcoming election and Barack Obama’s serious need to boost his approval rating with the American public. And so it works to makes him look tough and definitively American (especially after the recent, and ridiculous, issue surrounding his birth certificate), just like the war on terror made George W. Bush a hero amongst the majority of the American population. With an economy near flat-line, an ongoing war in the Middle East and an unsuccessful attempt at universal health care, Obama desperately needs a massive event to once again pull support from the American people and a dead Osama bin Laden is more than enough to make that happen. Also, it takes the public’s attention away from an impending economic collapse and once again pushes forward an agenda to expand on a war that costs the taxpayers and pays private contractors trillions of dollars. But conspiracies aside, even the most logical analysis of the events that lead to bin Laden’s demise on May 1st, 2011 still reveals some very suspicious activity.
It was reported, and it’s the common understanding, that bin Laden was found living in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which has a heavy military presence (Pakistani and CIA) and is also a major tourist destination. So even if Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) and the CIA both turned a blind eye to the “world’s most dangerous man” living right next door in a million dollar home, how did nobody notice him walking around their neighborhood? And even if the local people were al-Qaeda sympathizers (which is not true), how was he not spotted by a tourist during the course of the many months he was suspected to be living there?
I believe the main reason why Pakistan was chosen to be bin Laden’s host had a lot to with this story right here. Once Pakistani officials released information about CIA agents working alongside al-Qaeda to the world news media, all bets were off. It’s a well-known fact that al-Qaeda is an extension of the CIA and the American government are now also using them to support rebel fighters in Libya to overthrow Qaddafi. Since the ISI began working with CIA drones in Pakistan, it became obvious that the CIA wasn’t following the set of rules and regulations set by the Pakistani government and they wanted them out. So this may have been a bit of a compromise on both the American and Pakistani government’s behalf; Pakistan takes the fall for harboring bin Laden and America gets the fuck out.
Next I would like to address bin Laden’s abrupt “burial at sea”. This has to be the most damning piece of evidence in the American government’s claims to have killed him and be in possession of his body. The basic logistics of the whole thing doesn’t make any sense. I find it extremely hard to believe that Osama bin Laden was killed, flown all the way across the world, positively identified via DNA testing and then buried at sea in accordance with “Islamic tradition” all within a 24 hour period. And even if it was humanly possible to achieve this in such a short period of time, still the question remains, why were they so anxious to dump his body in the ocean? You’d think that after chasing the guy around the world for the past 10 years you might want to put him on display for the world to see. When Saddam and sons were apprehended and executed their images were plastered all over the front pages of magazines and newspapers everywhere for months. So why didn’t bin Laden receive the same treatment?
The answer is because it wasn’t him. This whole event is an elaborate hoax concocted by the corporate elite to push forward the next stage in their plan to control every aspect of human life. Already the mainstream media are reporting that a violent response from al-Qaeda is unavoidable. Some news outlets are going as far as to say that al-Qaeda has buried nuclear bombs around the United States and the words “nuclear hellstorm” have been a growing part of the media’s vocabulary. That’s right, the war on terror is over but the psychological war is stepping up to a whole new level. We are more at risk now that bin Laden has been killed and al-Qaeda are determined to even the score. Lock the doors, get into your fallout shelters and stay tuned to your local news for updates.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is going to give way to the next World War. While the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may have just been legitimized by the death of the America’s greatest imaginary enemy, the Military-Industrial Complex is now ready to make its move on Libya, Syria, Iran and Pakistan. The media is already hard at work demonizing Pakistan for it’s role in harboring Osama bin Laden and in the coming months they’ll start taking aim at other “Arabic nations” as well (side note: Pakistan is not an Arabic nation, they’re Asian. I had to put that in there because I’ve already heard 4 different news outlets refer to them as an “Arab country” today, and when I was doing some research on the region earlier, the number one question on Google was “is Pakistan an Arab country?” It’s sad, really).
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Bush the Shitt |
So this is where I leave the rest up to you. Please spread the news. I shared what I know and included a vast number of links in this article because I want you to do your own investigation and see for yourself how fraudulent our world has become. I know it’s hard to understand that this is what we’ve come to, but I want you to know that you don’t have to accept or tolerate it. As I’ve said many times in the past, we have the power. Don’t be afraid to exercise your intelligence and apply some critical thinking to your daily life. Be a leader, stand up for what’s right and refuse the misery that’s being brought upon you.http://www.opposingviews.com/i/why-osama-bin-laden-dead-is-a-government-lie
To put it simply, DON’T BE A F**KING SHEEP.
walaupun terang terangan mereka menipu tapi masih ramai yg percaya.Tanpa kita sedari bangsa yakjud makjud telah lama muncul dan telah pun menguasai dunia,dimana fitnah begitu meleluasa,yg benar ditindas yg jahat dibela.Dajal sudah lama muncul cuma dia muncul pd tempoh tertentu lepas tu hilang.Dia akan muncul pd setiap tamadun dan akan meninggalkan kesan binaan@monumen yg tak bole dibuat oleh manusia biasa.sedarkah kita bahawa piramid itu satu simbol yg menunjukkan dajal pernah muncul di Mesir. ok dah follow
Terima kasih saudara, saya setuju pandangan saudara. Semoga semakin ramai yang sedar mengenai perkara ini.