Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Tiada Harapan

Ramai yang tidak percaya Yakjuj dan Makjuj telah keluar. Masih menunggu hingga Nabi Isa as turun baru nak bersiap sedia melawan Yakjuj dan Makjuj. Dajjal juga telah pun tonjolkan diri melalui kuasanya walaupun jasadnya belum muncul.

Saya percaya ada khilaf hadis yang memberitahu hal berkenaan Yakjuj Makjuj hanya keluar selepas Dajjal dibunuh. Ramai mengatakan ia adalah israiliat. Ia bercanggah dengan lain-lain hadis mengenai Yakjuj dan Makjuj.

Apa yang berlaku sekarang amat jelas bangsa ganas tersebut ialah Zeo-Christ, berasal dari Eropah. Tunggu pula bangsa ganas lagi satu yang sedang memerhatikan sandiwara ini, Russia dan China. Yakjuj di Barat dan Makjuj di Timur. Berlansunglah huru hara dan kemusnahan hingga hari kiamat.

Dunia dah nak kiamat! Perhatikan sahaja Iran, tempat keluarnya manusia Dajjal, jangan ketinggalan pula! Tak lama lagi muncullah dia dan bakal dimahlotakan sebagai raja dunia.... Di mana Isfahan jika bukan di Iran? Knight Templars sedang aturkan persefahaman dan sekutukan Iran dengan USA. Untuk apa?

Masa berjalan begitu pantas. Kita kena bingkas untuk persiapan peperangan terakhir.  Tiada harapan lagi untuk kemenangan kecuali kembali kepada jalan yang Allah telah tetapkan kecuali jika anda sedang leka bermain dengan dunia yang penuh dusta ini. Lupakan politik kerana ia akan menghancurkan anda. Tidak percaya? Dusta semakin liar, fitnah bagaikan makanan ringan. Syak wasangka dan kata-mengata menjadi hiburan. Lihatlah nanti peristiwa 13 Mei akan berulang. Angka 13 adalah angka hantu bagi kaum Cina dan Kabbalis. Masih tunggu apa lagi? 2013 amat dekat. Kesalan adalah sesuatu yang menyiksa kalbu. Masih mahu berseronok lagi? Sebok nak kahwin 4. Apa lagi kerenah manusia Melayu ini?.

Yakjuj dan Makjuj sedang meratah daging manusia Islam di negara Arab  Syaitan dengan lahap meminum darah Arab dan sekarang ini bersiap merosakkan Melayu pula setelah porak perandakan Afghanistan dan Pakistan. Libya semakin tersepit antara hidup dan mati tidak ada siapa yang tolong. Negara Arab yang kelihatan kaya raya pula hanya berpeluk tubuh malah menyokong Libya diratah. Dia tak tahukah nasibnya juga akan jadi seperti itu satu masa nanti.

Semua pemimpin Islam akan dibunuh dan dimamah macam kuaci. Saddam, dan kini Ghadafi, esok entah siapa pula... Assad? dan lain-lain juga akan mati atas sebab yang dicipta. Israel tersenyum riang melihat gelagat Arab berbunuh sesama sendiri atas alasan yang sangat lemah... DEMOKRASI!

Siapa cipta demokrasi? Adakah Iraq aman selepas tidur dalam kandang babi demokrasi?

Oooo I See ...OIC. tinggal nama sahaja. Islam hanya jadi bahan ketawa kuffar. Tidak merasa malu. Apakan daya semuanya tidak sedar apa yang sebenarnya sedang diatur oleh Yakjuj dan Makjuj ini. Mereka juga tidak pernah ambil peduli siapakah Yakjuj dan Makjuj tersebut kerana gila kuasa dan harta.

Melayu akan selamat sampai kiamat? Tidak!!! Hanya masa sahaja menentukan Malaysia dan Indonesia sedang menanti giliran untuk diratah. Percayalah!

Umat Islam sudah tiada harapan lagi untuk terus hidup harmoni, jadi selamatkanlah diri anda dan keluarga supaya tidak termasuk di kalangan orang yang rugi.

Isnin, 16 Mei 2011

NATO expected to begin ground operations in Libya

Baku: Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi declared a large-scale conscription in the country due to the probability of NATO ground operations, the Al-Sharg al-Awsat newspaper said referring to a Libyan high-ranking official. The Libyan official said his government expected that NATO will begin ground operations in Libya and they are ready to meet any scenario relating to that development. "The Libyan government is taking measures to conscript women and children as well”.

The source said NATO air strikes couldn’t force Kaddafi to leave power and this situation leads the NATO leadership to ground operations. “We have reliable reports about the NATO’s plans to begin ground operations in Libya”.

According to military experts, Kaddafi has more than 800,000 troops and on the eve of the NATO ground operations the Libyan leadership is arming the population to increase the number of its troops. Recently Libyan television broadcasted the training of Libyan women in special military camps.

Jumaat, 13 Mei 2011

Bingung, Gelabah dan Salah Langkah - "Serampang banyak Mata" yang memakan tuan

Apa dah jadi ni? Kelam kabut USA menafikan itu dan ini, banyak siri pembohongan terpaksa diatur lagi.

Dalam banyak-banyak episod, episod inilah yang paling hebat dalam cerita dongeng dari White House, Amerika Syarikat. Trajis ada, lucu pun ada. Yang paling lucu ialah betapa gelabahnya Obama dan staf pentadbirannya mengeluarkan cerita yang berbelit-belit sampai terbelit diri sendiri.

Berbagai pihak menggelengkan kepala terhadap apa yang disebut sebagai "kehebatan" USA menghapuskan pemimpin pengganas yang paling dikehendaki dan semakin ramai pula menjuih bibir terhadap pendustaan terbaru OBAMA. Kali ini pembohongannya secara tergesa-gesa itu memakan dirinya sendiri.

Akibat terdesak maka terpaksalah skrip diolah semula dengan pelbagai cerita dongeng yang melucukan. Perjalan cerita terpaksa dirombak walaupun mengundang aib. Itulah Amerika yang amat disegani (takut?) oleh masyarakat dunia. Adakah munasabah Osama dikatakan tidak bersenjata? Mulanya ditembak di mata, kemudian di dada dan terbaru di kaki pula. Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi? Semua boleh teka, bahawa sebenarnya itu semua cerita bohong.

Terbaru, 3 senator Repulican menarik balik kenyataan mereka sebelum ini pernah membuat sidang akhbar menyatakan "pernah menyaksikan gambar mayat Osama yang mengerikan". Hmm apa sudah jadi? Kenapa sebelum ini beria ia benar mengesahkannya? Bila ditanya berbagai soalan yang penuh kontraversi, maka hilanglah punca akal mereka macamana nak jawab. Mabuk akibat bohong yang bertali arus, sejak zaman berzaman. Apa pula kata ahli Democrat selepas ini? Mesti menarik dan melucukan.

Special Report: Osama bin Laden Killed in U.S. Operation

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney speaks during a briefing in
Washington D.C., capital of the United States, May 4, 2011. Carney said on
Wednesday that President Barack Obama has decided not to release the
photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse. (Xinhua/Zhang Jun)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama has decided not to release photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse.

Lihat, bagaimana ia boleh berlaku begini? Rakyat USA masih lagi dungu untuk memahami penipuan ini?. Sebenarnya dunia sudah tahu bahawa amat mustahil Obama dapat mengeluarkan foto dan bukti mayat Osama dalam masa terdekat. Nak reka pun kena hati-hati juga kerana ramai pakar di luar sana sedang menunggu untuk analisa. Hah ha! Obama mencari helah dengan membuat alasan (mungkin) tidak akan mendedahlan gambar tersebut kepada umum kerana bimbang menaikkan kemarahan alQaeda. Dulu masa Saddam dibunuh, bukan main lagi ghairah menayangkan berulang kali di di semua jenis media.

Carney said releasing the photos would bring about a national security risk by feeding resentment in the Arab world.
"It is very important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of someone shot in the head are not floating around ... as a propaganda tool," he said.

"USA tidak boleh dipercayai lagi", kata sebahagian besar bloger di internet. Kesian USA yang telah dikorbankan dan menjadi mangsa puak-puak penyembah syaitan - Illuminati.

Kita akan terus menanti kenyataan seterusnya dari Obama Penipu yang semakin tertekan ini. Orang tenggelam punca sentiasa mendedahkan dirinya kepada kesilapan pencaturan.

Tak kisahlah semua itu. yang menjadi persoalan baru ialah sebab apa cerita ini direka? Kenapa Osama ditemui di Pakistan bukan Afghanistan? Bodoh sangatkah perisik Pakistan, tidak pandai menyiasat dan gagal mencari lokasi Obama dalam negara sendiri?

Dusta 911 dulu kerana nak menawan Afghanistan. Pembunuhan Osama pula untuk apa? Tawan Pakistan? Sebab Pakistan adalah satu-satunya negara Islam yang mempunyai senjata nukeliar. Ada logiknya. Atau nak kaitkan keganasan demonstrasi di Bahrain, Saudi, Jordan dan negara-negara Arab yang dinaunginya dengan alQaeda? Jelasnya ia juga akan menjulang repotasi Obama sebagai calon Presiden untuk penggal kedua.
The latest New York Times/CBS News poll showed on Wednesday that U.S. President Barack Obama's overall approval rating went up following the killing of terror mastermind Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan.
Amerika menggunakan senjata terhebat alaf ini iaitu "DUSTA" yang mempunyai kelebihan umpama "Serampang Banyak Mata". Akan tetapi takdirnya telah tersilap congak.

Kesilapan skrip ini, mungkin akan merencatkan rencana mereka untuk menguasai sepenuhnya negara-negara Islam dalam masa singkat.

Ini antara dongengan lucu ciptaan USA. Situasi yang bakal menambah kebingungan Obama.

Changing Stories: Bin Laden Unarmed
The fog of war gets thicker as the days go by. The Obama administration has changed its storyline regarding Osama bin Laden's “participation” during the deadly raid late Sunday evening in Abbotabad, Pakistan. 
Over the course of the last three days, the original story of bin Laden engaged in resistance has now developed into something completely different. The original information provided had bin Laden participating in a firefight. Reports were that he was reaching for a weapon. In addition, the early reports said that bid Laden's wife had been used as a human shield and died during the raid appear untrue. The administration fervently says that bid Laden did resist and a capture was not an option during the firefight. 
On Wednesday, Pakistani security sources offered alternative details from the raid resulting in bin Laden's death, potentially clouding part of the White House version. Citing senior Pakistani security officials, news agency Al Arabiya that bin Laden's 12-year-old daughter said the U.S. special forces team first captured, then shot her father dead in front of relatives during the first moments of the raid on his compound.
CIA Director Leon Panetta told "PBS NewsHour" that bin Laden "made some threatening moves" that "represented a clear threat to our guys" but Panetta was not more specific about what the unarmed terrorist did as the commandos engaged others at the compound in a firefight and swarmed the compound.
"I don't think he had a lot of time to say anything," Panetta said. "It was a firefight going up that compound. ... This was all split-second action on the part of the SEALs." 
Currently, the administration is wrestling with the decision to publish photographs of bin Laden. Reports indicate that he was shot twice in the chest and once above the left eye. A late report by the Washington Post, the New York Times and MSNBC says that the White House will not release any death photos of the former leader of Al Qaeda.

Disini ada satu artikel (dalam BI - malas nak translate)  mengenai kemarahan seorang bloger terhadap Obama. Marah dan malu terhadap perbuatan Obama ini.



By Jason James

Pieczenik wasn’t the only person to bring the truth about bin Laden to light. There is a long list of government officials across the world who confirmed in 2002 that he was dead. In 2003 Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State under President Clinton, is on record as saying, “the Bush administration may already have captured Osama bin Laden and will release the news just before next year's presidential election”. Then in 2009 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said, “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years… I don’t think he’s alive”. As for the many photos and videos of bin Laden, many that were aired on television were either dated pre-2001 andheavily edited or proven to be fakes.

So with all of the evidence suggesting that Osama bin Laden died shortly after 9/11, the question still remains, why report his death now?

The only probable answer to this question has to do with the upcoming election and Barack Obama’s serious need to boost his approval rating with the American public. And so it works to makes him look tough and definitively American (especially after the recent, and ridiculous, issue surrounding his birth certificate), just like the war on terror made George W. Bush a hero amongst the majority of the American population. With an economy near flat-line, an ongoing war in the Middle East and an unsuccessful attempt at universal health care, Obama desperately needs a massive event to once again pull support from the American people and a dead Osama bin Laden is more than enough to make that happen. Also, it takes the public’s attention away from an impending economic collapse and once again pushes forward an agenda to expand on a war that costs the taxpayers and pays private contractors trillions of dollars. But conspiracies aside, even the most logical analysis of the events that lead to bin Laden’s demise on May 1st, 2011 still reveals some very suspicious activity.

It was reported, and it’s the common understanding, that bin Laden was found living in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which has a heavy military presence (Pakistani and CIA) and is also a major tourist destination. So even if Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) and the CIA both turned a blind eye to the “world’s most dangerous man” living right next door in a million dollar home, how did nobody notice him walking around their neighborhood? And even if the local people were al-Qaeda sympathizers (which is not true), how was he not spotted by a tourist during the course of the many months he was suspected to be living there?

I believe the main reason why Pakistan was chosen to be bin Laden’s host had a lot to with this story right here. Once Pakistani officials released information about CIA agents working alongside al-Qaeda to the world news media, all bets were off. It’s a well-known fact that al-Qaeda is an extension of the CIA and the American government are now also using them to support rebel fighters in Libya to overthrow Qaddafi. Since the ISI began working with CIA drones in Pakistan, it became obvious that the CIA wasn’t following the set of rules and regulations set by the Pakistani government and they wanted them out. So this may have been a bit of a compromise on both the American and Pakistani government’s behalf; Pakistan takes the fall for harboring bin Laden and America gets the fuck out.

Next I would like to address bin Laden’s abrupt “burial at sea”. This has to be the most damning piece of evidence in the American government’s claims to have killed him and be in possession of his body. The basic logistics of the whole thing doesn’t make any sense. I find it extremely hard to believe that Osama bin Laden was killed, flown all the way across the world, positively identified via DNA testing and then buried at sea in accordance with “Islamic tradition” all within a 24 hour period. And even if it was humanly possible to achieve this in such a short period of time, still the question remains, why were they so anxious to dump his body in the ocean? You’d think that after chasing the guy around the world for the past 10 years you might want to put him on display for the world to see. When Saddam and sons were apprehended and executed their images were plastered all over the front pages of magazines and newspapers everywhere for months. So why didn’t bin Laden receive the same treatment?

The answer is because it wasn’t him. This whole event is an elaborate hoax concocted by the corporate elite to push forward the next stage in their plan to control every aspect of human life. Already the mainstream media are reporting that a violent response from al-Qaeda is unavoidable. Some news outlets are going as far as to say that al-Qaeda has buried nuclear bombs around the United States and the words “nuclear hellstorm” have been a growing part of the media’s vocabulary. That’s right, the war on terror is over but the psychological war is stepping up to a whole new level. We are more at risk now that bin Laden has been killed and al-Qaeda are determined to even the score. Lock the doors, get into your fallout shelters and stay tuned to your local news for updates.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is going to give way to the next World War. While the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may have just been legitimized by the death of the America’s greatest imaginary enemy, the Military-Industrial Complex is now ready to make its move on Libya, Syria, Iran and Pakistan. The media is already hard at work demonizing Pakistan for it’s role in harboring Osama bin Laden and in the coming months they’ll start taking aim at other “Arabic nations” as well (side note: Pakistan is not an Arabic nation, they’re Asian. I had to put that in there because I’ve already heard 4 different news outlets refer to them as an “Arab country” today, and when I was doing some research on the region earlier, the number one question on Google was “is Pakistan an Arab country?” It’s sad, really).

Bush the Shitt

So this is where I leave the rest up to you. Please spread the news. I shared what I know and included a vast number of links in this article because I want you to do your own investigation and see for yourself how fraudulent our world has become. I know it’s hard to understand that this is what we’ve come to, but I want you to know that you don’t have to accept or tolerate it. As I’ve said many times in the past, we have the power. Don’t be afraid to exercise your intelligence and apply some critical thinking to your daily life. Be a leader, stand up for what’s right and refuse the misery that’s being brought upon you.http://www.opposingviews.com/i/why-osama-bin-laden-dead-is-a-government-lie
To put it simply, DON’T BE A F**KING SHEEP.

Selasa, 3 Mei 2011

North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO)

North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) Murders Gadhafi's Son And 3 Grandchildren by bombing a family party at the home of Gadhafi's son in a residential upscale neighborhood. We are presented with what we are told are isolated crises. In reality, from Desert Storm to the Eastern European color revolutions, to the "War on Terror" to the current "Arab Spring," we are witnessing one linear campaign for world domination - the creation of what George Bush Sr. called "the New World Order."

Funeral conducted for Gaddafi's son

Libya will soon suffer the fate of Iraq. According to the World Food Program, a United Nations outfit, the north African country will soon experience a food crisis. In a statement, the organization said the engineered armed conflict in the country is seriously undermining the supply and distribution of perishable goods.

In 2003, the same thing happened in Iraq after the United States invaded to save the world from WMDs that did not exist, that were invented by a cabal of neocons ensconced in the Pentagon.

On March 20, 2003, the BBC reported that the country faced “the largest and most costly humanitarian crisis in history” following the U.S. invasion and the collapse of the oil-for-food program and the departure of U.N. personnel.

Hypocrites. Right here in the US,? anti-war protesters, including veterans, are arrested and handcuffed for peacefully voicing their dissent. This is in Washington DC, folks. They are NOT interested in bringing democracy to the ME. They ARE interested in bringing in total control, credit cards and endless debt to the world banksters.

If one is to believe dumb Democrats, the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been about war-for-oil and capitalist greed. According to stupid Republicans, however, they have been war-for-national-security. (Actually, they have been war-for-no-oil and monopolist evil, and wars for-national-insecurity, but this I’ll explain in detail in another article.)

But even the most creative disinformers of both branches of the Repucratic Party, are at pains looking for a plausible explanation to the current war against Libya to feed it to gullible Americans of both sides of the Repucratic coin.

Special Infomation: Libya: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans

World Bank President Robert Zoellick Thursday said he hopes the institution will have a role rebuilding Libya as it emerges from current unrest.

Zoellick at a panel discussion noted the bank’s early role in the reconstruction of France, Japan and other nations after World War II.

“Reconstruction now means (Ivory Coast), it means southern Sudan, it means Liberia, it means Sri Lanka, I hope it will mean Libya,” Zoellick said.

According to the IMF, Libya’s Central Bank is 100% state owned. The IMF estimates that the bank has nearly 144 tons of gold in its vaults. It is significant that in the months running up to the UN resolution that allowed the US and its allies to send troops into Libya, Muammar al-Qaddafi was openly advocating the creation of a new currency that would rival the dollar and the euro. In fact, he called upon African and Muslim nations to join an alliance that would make this new currency, the gold dinar, their primary form of money and foreign exchange. They would sell oil and other resources to the US and the rest of the world only for gold dinars.

The US, the other G-8 countries, the World Bank, IMF, BIS, and multinational corporations do not look kindly on leaders who threaten their dominance over world currency markets or who appear to be moving away from the international banking system that favors the corporatocracy. Saddam Hussein had advocated policies similar to those expressed by Qaddafi shortly before the US sent troops into Iraq.

SYRIA Just like Libya, a civil war fought between a desperate regime and a western-backed force of Islamic militants is being misrepresented as a genocide against “pro-democracy” protesters in order to lay the groundwork for another contrived “humanitarian” war

Daraa Riot

Syria has been wracked by more than six weeks of protests amid calls for sweeping reforms. The protests have left more than 90 army personnel and security agents killed across the country. Syria blamed the violent acts on "extremist terrorist groups."

OBAMA tipu satu dunia

MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 .. Fakta Sebenar 

Tentang Kematian Osama Ben Laden!

Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

Bin Laden's voice was detected regularly until [14 December 2001] by intelligence operatives monitoring radio transmissions in Tora Bora, according to the Pentagon [details]. Since then, nothing has been heard from the al-Qa'eda leader and President Bush has hinted in private that bin Laden's silence could mean he has been killed. [Telegraph, 12/28/2001]
Obama's announcement of Bin Laden's death is a desperation ploy either to start WW3, distract from the crashing economy, or simply to revive his failing chances at a second term. In any event, Obama is full of crap claiming credit for "getting" Bin Laden when he has in fact been dead for almost ten years.
But for the moment, let us stipulate that Osama Bin Ladenis dead and when it happened does not matter. IF TRUE IT IS TIME TO END ALL THESE WARS AND BRING ALL OUR KIDS HOME NOW!

Iranian state television ran a report Monday saying Israeli military aircraft were massing at a U.S. air base in Iraq for a strike on Iran.

All that is missing is an "Al Qaeda Revenge Attack" (nudge nudge wink wink) and World War 3 cranks up into rock and roll full tilt boogie kill them all and let god sort them out mode.

Well, I am no expert, but it looks to me from the date stamps on this web page like the picture blasted all over Pakistan TV of the 'Osama' that was killed today ...

... might be a photo that was floating around the internet for the last few months!

And it appears to be photoshopped!

There are other signs of photoshop as well, such as blurred edges on the beard and an obvious difference in sharpness between the eyes and the mouth, It looks like someone took a dead body and pasted the real Obama's mouth onto it to make it look more like him.

Did Obama just fall for a dirty trick by Pakistan's ISI? Inquiring minds want to know! :)

Fake Picture Used As Osama Bin Laden Was On A Forum In 2010!(Pics)
By: Alex2245
As one of the largest corporate media frauds in history continues, as The Guardian and others are attempting to blame conspiracy theorists for the OBVIOUS fake picture of a dead Osama Bin Laden.

The simple fact is that so called conspiracy theorists are the ones that BROKE the fake Osama Bin Laden picture story. We are now at a point in history were the corporate controlled media is failing on every level and to make up for their obvious fraud they are attempting to shift the blame to those on the internet.

The corporate media ran this picture as a real picture of Osama Bin Laden UNTIL they were caught. This wasn’t an accident, this was directly part of the psi op!


Ahad, 1 Mei 2011

Impak Terroris Ciptaan

 911 dan kesannya terhadap politik  Malaysia


Kebenaran, dikatakan menjadi korban pertama perang. Dalam perang yang disebut "memerangi terorisme," kebenaran bukan sahaja menjadi korban, tetapi juga menjadi sasaran utama.

sengaja mengebom negara sendiri untuk membusukkan Islam

Dalam wacana terorisme yang dibina hasil peristiwa serangan pada 11 September, 2001 di Amerika Syarikat, dengan mudah sekali kumpulan-kumpulan Islam dikaitkan dengan terorisme atau kecenderungan untuk bertindak militan, atau mempunyai "Islamist tendency."

Istilah Islamist dibiarkan (atau diharapkan) dimengertikan menurut tafsiran negatif, untuk memenuhi agenda pihak tertentu meletakkan Islam dalam kedudukan defensif dan apologetik.

Wacana akademik dan media berkenaan tajuk gerakan Islam atau political Islam menjadi sangat tertumpu pada isu keselamatan (security centric) dan politik.

Seluruh kehidupan manusia terkesan oleh akibat-akibat daripada reaksi terhadap aksi terorisme 11 September itu, dari yang kecil (seperti had cecair yang boleh dibawa dalam kapal terbang) hingga isu-isu besar global (seperti perkiraan dalam membuat kenyataan isu seperti nuklear).

Dunia, sama ada bersetuju atau tidak, memasuki era pasca-911 atau "age of terror," dengan hampir segala isu perlu dilihat dari perspektif 911, termasuk falsafah dan sumber tenaga Asia Tengah.

Negara-negara kuasa besar mengambil kesempatan daripada wacana antiterorisme untuk menjadikan pembangkang Islamis sebagai mangsa.

Rusia meletakkan pejuang militan Chechnya dan Kaukasus sebagai teroris, China mewarnakan Muslim Uyghur sebagai teroris, malah negara-negara Asia Tengah majoriti Muslim turut mengambil kesempatan sama untuk memangsakan pembangkang.

Di Malaysia, PAS turut menjadi mangsa wacana menyeleweng itu, dan dengan mudah dikait dengan ciri-ciri atau kecenderungan ganas.

Istilah negara Islam, hudud dan sebagainya yang menjadi sebahagian wacana parti Islam itu mula mendapat warna negatif.

Wacana ini hakikatnya sudah lama dipergunakan oleh pemerintah pimpinan Umno terhadap PAS, terutama pada era Umno belum lagi mempunyai kepandaian untuk menggunakan wacana Islam.

Cuma selepas 11 September, 2011, wacananya menjadi lebih sofistikated dan dilihat semakin penting.

Parti-parti bukan Melayu bertindak lebih jauh lagi dengan mengeksploit fahaman salah penyokong mereka mengaitkan parti Islam itu dengan hal-hal negatif berhubung sifat militan.

Hubungan dan kerjasama melibatkan PAS diserang sebagai membina hubungan dengan kumpulan Islam, yang telah dibina imej negatifnya.

DAP sebagai contoh, bertindak pragmatik dalam hal menjalin kerjasama dalam pakatan yang melibatkan PAS, dengan dua kali menarik diri daripada kerjasama politik pembangkang.

Malah, DAP menarik diri daripada Barisan Alternatif, gabungan empat parti pembangkang termasuk PAS tidak lama selepas 11 September, 2001.

DAP telah memanfaatkan wacana antiterorisme untuk dikaitkan dengan PAS, untuk menjarakkan diri daripada parti berasaskan agama itu dan menebus "dosa" kepada penyokongnya, sekaligus melepaskan serangan terakhir untuk memburukkan gabungan yang ditinggalkannya itu.

Pemimpin DAP, Lim Kit Siang telah dengan agresif mengaitkan Islam (PAS, negara Islam) dengan serangan 11 September, 2001 dalam kempennya pada 2002 itu, selepas perang mulut dengan PAS berhubung isu peranan Islam dalam politik di Malaysia.

DAP telah meletakkan isu 911 sekali dengan 929 (29 September, tarikh perdana menteri ketika itu, Datuk Seri [Tun] Dr Mahathir Mohamad membuat perisytiharan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam) dalam kempen "No to 911, No to 929, Yes to 1957."

Tindakan itu membina atau menguatkan persepsi kaitan Islam dengan terorisme, melalui kenyataan yang meletakkan 911 sekali dengan perisytiharan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam dan tindakan menarik diri daripada pakatan disertai PAS.

Dalam kenyataan itu, pemimpin kanan DAP itu menggesa rakyat Malaysia untuk "say 'no' both to the PAS Islamic State and the Umno Islamic State and to make clear that while Malaysians do not want terrorism or any form of extremism to rear its ugly head in Malaysia.."

Sukar untuk kenyataan itu dibaca tanpa mengaitkan secara tidak langsung negara Islam (dan juga PAS) dengan terorisme.

Secara licik sekali, DAP meletakkan semua tajuk-tajuk itu yang dapat dengan mudah dikaitkan dengan Islam, dalam satu kelompok, menyumbang kepada pembinaan persepsi negative terhadap PAS dan sekaligus Islam.

Hal itu mendedahkan bagaimana wacana terorisme ekoran peristiwa 11 September, 2001 telah dipergunakan untuk kempen politik negatif pihak-pihak berkepentingan, dengan mengambil kesempatan daripada persepsi salah berhubung Islam.

kredit untuk: siasahdaily.blogspot.com